Male palp with rhombic lamella, distally with 2 convergent denticles. Paracymbium simple, outer margin with robust tooth, terminal branch with small lateral lobe. Epigyne with laterally rounded scapus, 1.3 times wider median than at base. Prosoma yellow-brown, darkened medially and laterally. Legs yellow-brown, light. Opisthosoma whitish with black pattern.
Body length male: 2.2-3.5 mmabove 1000 m, in special habitats (stony debris, caves) also in lower sites
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.
Arnold K (2001) Beitrag zur Spinnenfauna (Arachnida, Araneae) des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. Berichte der Botanisch-Zoologischen Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg 28: 211-244
Blagoev G, Deltshev C, Lazarov S, Naumova M (2018) The spiders (Araneae) of Bulgaria. Version: August 2018. National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Online at (accessed on 10.9.2018)
Deltshev C D (1983c) A contribution to the taxonomical and faunistic study of genus Lepthyphantes Menge (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Pirin Mountains. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 23: 25-32
Heimer S, Nentwig W (1991) Spinnen Mitteleuropas. Paul Parey Berlin
Miller F, Polenec A (1975a) Centrophantes gen. n. und zwei neue Lepthyphantes Arten aus Slovenien (Chelicerata: Aranea) Věstník Československé Zoologické Společnosti v Praze 39: 126-134
Pantini P, Isaia M (2019) the online catalog of Italian spiders, with addenda on other arachnid orders occurring in Italy (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida, Scorpiones, Solifugae). Fragmenta Entomologica 51: 127-152
Rozwałka R, Stanska M (2008) Check-list of spiders (Araneae) of Poland. 1. December 2008. online at
Růžička V, Řezáč M (2022a) Seznam pavouků České republiky. List of spiders of the Czech Republic. Online at and
Thaler K (1983a) Bemerkenswerte Spinnenfunde in Nordtirol (Österreich) und Nachbarländern: Deckennetzspinnen, Linyphiidae (Arachnida: Aranei). Veröffentlichungen des Museum Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck 63: 135-167
Thaler K, Plachter H (1983) Spinnen aus Höhlen der Fränkischen Alb, Deutschland (Arachnida: Araneae: Erigonidae, Linyphiidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 63: 249-263
WSC (2024) World Spider Catalog. Version 25.5. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (31.10.2024) doi: 10.24436/2
Wunderlich J (1985a) Lepthyphantes pulcheroides n. sp. aus Nord-Italien (Arachnida: Araneae: Linyphiidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 65: 321-323
03-09-2015 | Image insert |