Theridiidae  Sundevall, 1833 / Robertus  O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879   18 species

Robertus ungulatus  Vogelsanger, 1944


Cymbium distally with 2 robust denticles. Epigyne with flat, strongly sclerotised groove. Vulva with very short entrance ducts. Prosoma yellow-brown, shiny, darker margin only vague. Sternum dark brown. Chelicerae yellow-brown, robust. Legs brown, unicoloured, short and robust. Opisthosoma yellowish grey to almost black.

Body length male: 2-2.5 mm
Body length female: 2-2.5 mm
Additional information

In sunny, but very damp localities under stones and leaves

Frequency: Rarely found

  No data
Global distribution (WSC 2025): Europe, Russia (South Siberia to Far East), China
 male  female
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Austria   (no references) ||| Czechia   (Růžička & Řezáč, 2022a) ||| Denmark   (no references) ||| Estonia   (no references) ||| Finland   (Koponen et al., 2016) ||| Germany   (Blick et al., 2016) ||| Italy   (Pantini & Isaia, 2019) ||| Lithuania   (no references) ||| Norway   (Farlund, 2019) ||| Poland   (Rozwałka & Stanska, 2008) ||| Russia, Kaliningrad Region   (Schikora, 1997) ||| Slovakia   (no references) ||| Switzerland   (no references) |||

Aadland B (unpubl.) .

Blick T, Finch O-D, Harms K H, Kiechle J, Kielhorn K-H , Kreuels M, Malten A, Martin D, Muster C, Nährig D, Platen R, Rödel I, Scheidler M, Staudt A, Stumpf H, Tolke D (2016) Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae) Deutschlands. 3. Fassung, Stand April 2008, einzelne Änderungen und Nachträge bis August 2015. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70/4: 383-510 pdf

Farlund M (2019) Norwegian Spiders - Norske edderkopper. Siste oppdatering for funn av nye arter 10. oktober, 2019. Online at pdf

Kielhorn K-H (2016) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Webspinnen und Weberknechte in Berlin und Brandenburg. Märkische Entomologische Nachrichten 17(2): 261-286 pdf

Koponen S, Fritzén N R, Pajunen T (2016) Checklist of spiders in Finland (Araneae). 6th version, December 2016, online at pdf

Løvbrekke H (unpubl.)

Mikhailov K G (2013) The spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Russia and adjacent countries: a non-annotated checklist. Arthropoda Selecta, Supplement 3: 1-262 pdf

Miller F (1967) Studien über die Kopulationsorgane der Spinnengattung Zelotes, Micaria, Robertus und Dipoena nebst Beschreibung einiger neuen oder unvollkommen bekannten Spinnenarten. Přírodovědné práce ústavů Československé Akademie Věd v Brně (N.S.) 1: 251-298 pdf

Pantini P, Isaia M (2019) the online catalog of Italian spiders, with addenda on other arachnid orders occurring in Italy (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida, Scorpiones, Solifugae). Fragmenta Entomologica 51: 127-152 pdf

Rozwałka R, Stanska M (2008) Check-list of spiders (Araneae) of Poland. 1. December 2008. online at pdf

Růžička V, Řezáč M (2022a) Seznam pavouků České republiky. List of spiders of the Czech Republic. Online at and pdf

Schikora H-B (1997) Wachsende Regenmoorflächen im Zehlaubruch (Kaliningrad-Region): Extremlebensraum für epigäische Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae)? Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 27: 447-452 pdf

WSC (2024) World Spider Catalog. Version 25.5. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (31.10.2024) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

Wunderlich J (1976) Zur Kenntnis der mitteleuropäischen Arten der Gattung Enoplognatha Pavesi und Robertus O. Pick. Cambridge Senckenbergiana Biologica 57: 97-112 pdf

20-01-2025 Distribution update Detail
17-11-2022 Image insert
02-11-2022 Gallery image insert
13-12-2018 Image insert
11-11-2018 Image insert
18-12-2014 Image insert
26-02-2014 Distribution update Detail