Salticidae  Blackwall, 1841 / Talavera  G. W. Peckham & E. G. Peckham, 1909   12 species

Talavera aequipes ludio  (Simon, 1871)

Additional information

subspecies inquirenda

  No data
Distribution comment: Presence in Italy doubtful (P. Pantini, pers. comm.), therefore removed
Global distribution (WSC 2025): France (Corsica), Greece (Rhodes)
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

France / Corsica   (Le Peru, 2007; Simon, 1871) ||| Greece   (Bosmans & Chatzaki, 2005; Caporiacco, 1948) |||

Bosmans R, Chatzaki M (2005) A catalogue of the spiders of Greece – a critical review of all spider species cited from Greece with their localities. Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische arachnologische Vereniging 20 (2, suppl.): 1-124 pdf

Caporiacco L di (1948) L'arachnofauna di Rodi. Redia 33: 27-75 pdf

Le Peru B (2007) Catalogue et répartition des araignées de France. Revue Arachnologique 16: 1-468 pdf

Simon E (1871) Révision des Attidae européens. Supplément à la monographie des Attides (Attidae Sund.). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (5) 1: 125-230, 329 pdf

WSC (2024) World Spider Catalog. Version 25.5. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (31.10.2024) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

17-03-2023 Distribution update Detail
23-05-2022 Distribution update Detail
20-03-2022 Distribution update Detail
20-03-2022 Image insert
25-06-2013 Distribution update Detail