Synaphridae  Wunderlich, 1986 / Synaphris  Simon, 1894   4 species

Synaphris dalmatensis  Wunderlich, 1980


Characters as in female, but prosoma high and convex, and PME 0.5 diameter apart. Palp: femur thin, patella almost as wide as long, tibia large.

Body length male: 0.9 mm

Epigyne dark, with a pair of dark brown round structures. Prosoma dark brown, 0.42 mm long. Sternum as long as wide, coxae IV 1.5 their diameter apart. Eyes: anterior eyes scarcely larger than posteriors, lateral eyes scarcely larger than medians, PME much closer to each other than to PLE, PME one diameter apart, median ocular area rectangular. Clypeus high, a little concave. Chelicerae: anterior margin with one tooth, posterior margin without tooth but with long hairs. Legs uniformly light brown, tibia with 4 dorsal spines. Opisthosoma dark grey, long oval.

Body length female: 0.9 mm
Additional information

In garrigue on stony ground, under stones. Altitude 30-100 m a.s.l. This species probably constructs a sheet web.

  No data
Global distribution (WSC 2025): Croatia
 male  female
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Croatia   (Wunderlich, 1980d) |||

Le Peru B (2011) The spiders of Europe, a synthesis of data: Volume 1 Atypidae to Theridiidae. Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon 2: 1-522 pdf

WSC (2024) World Spider Catalog. Version 25.5. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (31.10.2024) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

Wunderlich J (1980d) Über europäische Symphytognathidae (Arach.: Araneae). Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (NF) 23: 259-273 pdf

Wunderlich J (1987) Die Spinnen der Kanarischen Inseln und Madeiras: Adaptive Radiation, Biogeographie, Revisionen und Neubeschreibungen. Triops, Langen, 435 pp. pdf

21-08-2023 Distribution update Detail
18-12-2014 Image insert
18-02-2014 Image insert