Philodromidae  Thorell, 1869 / Philodromus  Walckenaer, 1826   56 species

Philodromus fuscomarginatus  (De Geer, 1778)


Prosoma einfarbig rotbraun oder orange, mitunter Radiärstreifen etwas verdunkelt. Körper insgesamt extrem flach. Opisthosoma in der hinteren Mitte deutlich breiter als vorne, einfarbig rotbraun oder orange, Herzgegend etwas verdunkelt.

Cymbium rundlich. 

Körperlänge Männchen: 6.0-7.0 mm

Epigyne mit median zusammenstossenden Gruben. 

Körperlänge Weibchen: 6.0-7.0 mm
Zusätzliche Informationen

Unter loser Borke von Kiefern und Fichten

  kein Nachweis
Weltweite Verbreitung (WSC 2024): Europe, Russia (Europe to Far East)
 male  female

"No reference" bedeutet nicht, dass die Art in diesem Land nicht vorkommt, sondern dass wir die Referenz hierfür noch nicht eingefügt haben. Wir arbeiten daran.

Andorra   (Branco et al., 2019) ||| Austria   (no references) ||| Belarus   (Ivanov, 2013) ||| Belgium   (Bosmans & Van Keer, 2017; Van der Krieken et al., 2017) ||| Bulgaria   (Blagoev et al., 2018) ||| Czechia   (Růžička & Řezáč, 2022a) ||| Estonia   (no references) ||| Finland   (Koponen et al., 2016) ||| France   (no references) ||| France / Corsica   (Le Peru, 2007) ||| Georgia   (Otto, 2022) ||| Germany   (no references) ||| Italy   (Pantini & Isaia, 2019) ||| Latvia   (Cera, 2018) ||| Liechtenstein   (Arnold, 2001) ||| Lithuania   (no references) ||| Netherlands   (Winkel & Noordijk, 2014) ||| Norway   (Aakra & Hauge, 2003) ||| Poland   (Rozwałka & Stanska, 2008) ||| Romania   (no references) ||| Russia, Central   (Ponomarev, 2022) ||| Russia, Eastern   (no references) ||| Russia, Kaliningrad Region   (no references) ||| Russia, Northern   (no references) ||| Russia, Western   (no references) ||| Serbia   (no references) ||| Slovakia   (no references) ||| Slovenia   (Kostanjšek & Kuntner, 2015) ||| Spain   (Branco et al., 2019; Barrientos & Gómez, 2014) ||| Sweden   (Kronestedt, 2001) ||| Switzerland   (no references) ||| Ukraine   (Polchaninova & Prokopenko, 2019) |||

Aakra K (2000a) New records of spiders (Araneae) from Norway with notes on epigynal characters of Philodromus fuscomarginatus (De Geer) (Philodromidae) and Araneus sturmi (Hahn) (Araneidae). Norwegian Journal of Entomology 47: 77-88 pdf

Aakra K (unpubl.)

Aakra K, Hauge E (2003) Checklist of Norwegian spiders (Arachnida: Araneae), including Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 50: 109-129 pdf

Arnold K (2001) Beitrag zur Spinnenfauna (Arachnida, Araneae) des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. Berichte der Botanisch-Zoologischen Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg 28: 211-244 pdf

Barrientos J A, Gómez C (2014) Nota breve sobre algunas arañas (Arachnida, Araneae) de Olmedo (Valladolid, España). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 24: 104-106 pdf

Blagoev G, Deltshev C, Lazarov S, Naumova M (2018) The spiders (Araneae) of Bulgaria. Version: August 2018. National Museum of Natural History, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Online at (accessed on 10.9.2018) pdf

Bosmans R, Van Keer K (2017) Een herziene soortenlijst van de Belgische spinnen (Araneae). Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging 32: 39-69 pdf

Branco V V, Morano E, Cardoso P (2019) An update to the Iberian spider checklist (Araneae). Zootaxa 4614: 201-254 pdf

Cera I (2018) The checklist of Latvian spiders (Arachnida: Araneae). Environmental and Experimental Biology 16: 139-152 pdf

Ivanov V V (2013) The checklist of Belarusian spiders (Arachnida, Araneae). Zoology and Ecology 4: 293-311 pdf

Koponen S, Fritzén N R, Pajunen T (2016) Checklist of spiders in Finland (Araneae). 6th version, December 2016, online at pdf

Kostanjšek R, Kuntner M (2015) Araneae Sloveniae: a national spider species checklist. ZooKeys 474: 1-91 pdf

Kronestedt T (2001) Checklist of Spiders (Araneae) in Sweden [Preliminary version February 2001] pdf

Le Peru B (2007) Catalogue et répartition des araignées de France. Revue Arachnologique 16: 1-468 pdf

Løvbrekke H (unpubl.)

Morka G H (unpubl.)

Muster C (2009a) Phylogenetic relationships within Philodromidae, with a taxonomic revision of Philodromus subgenus Artanes in the western Palearctic (Arachnida: Araneae). Invertebrate Systematics 23: 135-169 pdf

Otto S (2022) Caucasian spiders. A faunistic database on the spiders of the Caucasus Ecoregion. Database version 02.2022. Internet:

Pantini P, Isaia M (2019) the online catalog of Italian spiders, with addenda on other arachnid orders occurring in Italy (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida, Scorpiones, Solifugae). Fragmenta Entomologica 51: 127-152 pdf

Polchaninova N, Prokopenko E (2019) An updated checklist of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Left-Bank Ukraine. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 57: 60-64 & App pdf

Ponomarev A V (2022) Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of the southeast of the Russian Plain: catalogue, the fauna specific features. SSC RAS Publishers, Rostov-on-Don, 640 pp. pdf

Roberts M J (1998) Spinnengids. Tirion, Baarn, Netherlands, 397 pp. pdf

Rozwałka R, Stanska M (2008) Check-list of spiders (Araneae) of Poland. 1. December 2008. online at pdf

Růžička V, Řezáč M (2022a) Seznam pavouků České republiky. List of spiders of the Czech Republic. Online at and pdf

Simon E (1932) Les arachnides de France 6 (4). Paris (Roret): 773-978 pdf

Van der Krieken B, Oger P, Janssen M (2017) Philodromus fuscomarginatus (De Geer, 1778), nieuw voor België. Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging 32: 102-107 pdf

Winkel M de, Noordijk J (2014) Een nieuwe renspin voor Nederland: Philodromus fuscomarginatus (Araneae: Philodromidae) [A new running crab spider for the Netherlands: Philodromus fuscomarginatus (Araneae: Philodromidae)]. Entomologische Berichten 74: 180-186 pdf

WSC (2024) World Spider Catalog. Version 25.0. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (22.01.2024) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

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30-01-2018 Distribution update Detail
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