Oonopidae  Simon, 1890 / Heteroonops  Dalmas, 1916   1 species

Heteroonops spinimanus  (Simon, 1892)


Embolus and conductor beak-shaped. Gnathocoxae with enlarged posterior projection. Opisthosoma: venter with a pair of dark spots anterior of spinnerets.

Body length male: 1.6-1.7 mm

Vulva: anterior receptaculum large, spherical, posterior receptaculum triangular.

Body length female: 1.8-1.9 mm
Additional information

Greenhouse of Botanical Garden Berlin-Dahlem, Germany (Kielhorn 2008), tropical pavillon in Czechia (Růžička & Dolanský 2018) and tropical greenhous Amazonica in Rotterdam, Netherlands (Bloem & Noordijk 2021) .

This species of American origin is not native to Europe (alien species). It had been introduced to Europe at least once and it is unknown if it could establish meanwhile.

  Not established
  No data
Global distribution (WSC 2025): North to South America, Caribbean. Introduced to Ascension Is., St. Helena, Macaronesia, Netherlands, Germany, Czechia, Seychelles, Madagascar, Japan, Australia, Pacific Is.
Distribution List

"No references" does not mean that the species does not occur in this country, but that we have not yet inserted the reference for it. We are working on it.

Czechia   (Růžička & Dolanský, 2018; Řezáč et al., 2021) ||| Germany   (Blick et al., 2016; Kielhorn, 2008) ||| Netherlands   (Bloem & Noordijk, 2021) |||

Blick T, Finch O-D, Harms K H, Kiechle J, Kielhorn K-H , Kreuels M, Malten A, Martin D, Muster C, Nährig D, Platen R, Rödel I, Scheidler M, Staudt A, Stumpf H, Tolke D (2016) Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae) Deutschlands. 3. Fassung, Stand April 2008, einzelne Änderungen und Nachträge bis August 2015. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70/4: 383-510 pdf

Bloem G J, Noordijk J (2021) Arachnids (Arachnida: Araneae, Mesostigmata, Pseudoscorpiones) from tropical greenhouses at Rotterdam Zoo (the Netherlands), including a pholcid spider new to Europe. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 61: 36-44 pdf

Kielhorn K-H (2008) A glimpse of the tropics – spiders (Araneae) in the greenhouses of the Botanic Garden Berlin-Dahlem. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 36: 26-34 pdf

Platnick N I, Dupérré N (2009b) The goblin spider genus Heteroonops (Araneae, Oonopidae), with notes on Oonops. American Museum Novitates 3672: 1-72 pdf

Řezáč M, Růžička V, Hula V, Dolanský J, Machač O, Roušar A (2021) Spiders newly observed in Czechia in recent years – overlooked or invasive species? BioInvasions Records 10: 555-566 pdf

Růžička V, Dolanský J (2018) Pavouci České republiky [Spiders of the Czech Republic]. Pavouk 45: 2-3 pdf

Sherwood D, Dunlop J, Sharp A (2024a) On the identity of Opopaea euphorbicola Strand, 1909 and first records of three other non-native goblin spiders from Ascension Island (Araneae: Oonopidae). Zootaxa 5437: 125-130 pdf

WSC (2024) World Spider Catalog. Version 25.5. Natural History Museum Bern, online at (31.10.2024) doi: 10.24436/2 pdf

11-04-2024 Image insert
05-08-2021 Distribution update Detail
03-04-2021 Distribution insert Detail
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04-06-2019 Datasheet update Detail
04-06-2019 Distribution update Detail
26-02-2015 Image insert
26-02-2015 Distribution update Detail