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2013-11-26 11:30:38
Description male / description GermanRetrolaterale Tibialapophyse dreieckig, Ende zugespitzt. Embolus unscheinbar. Prosoma rötlich-braun, mit Muster aus weisslichen und braunen Streifen. Opisthosoma weisslich oder beige, mit dunkelbraunem und grau-braunem Muster.
Description male / description EnglishRetrolateral tibial apophysis triangular, with pointed tip. Embolus poorly marked.
Body length male3.0-3.8
Description female GermanMedianes Septum der Epigyne so lang wie breit. Epigynenatrium
Description female EnglishMedian septum of epigyne as long as wide,
Body length female4.38-4.55
Miscellaneous GermanMiscellaneous EnglishPhenology male (selected month)Phenology female (selected month)Phenology comment GermanPhenology comment EnglishDistribution comment GermanDistribution comment EnglishFrequencyFrequency commment GermanFrequency comment English
2013-11-26 11:24:33
Description male / description GermanDescription male / description EnglishBody length maleDescription female GermanDescription female EnglishBody length femaleMiscellaneous GermanMiscellaneous EnglishPhenology male (selected month)Phenology female (selected month)Phenology comment GermanPhenology comment EnglishDistribution comment GermanDistribution comment EnglishFrequencyFrequency commment GermanFrequency comment English