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2016-03-21 10:36:49

Description male / description German

Pedipalpus: Tibialapophyse lang und leicht gebogen, am Ende abgestutzt. Prosoma und Cheliceren hellbraun. Prosomalänge: 2.03 mm. Sternum gelb mit dünnem, braunem Rand. Beine gelb. Opisthosoma dorsal sepiabraun, ventral blass.

Description male / description English

Pedipalp: tibial apophysis long, gently curved, terminally truncate. Prosoma and chelicerae light brown. Prosoma length: 2.03 mm. Legs yellow. Opisthosoma: dorsum sepia brown, venter pale.

Body length male

Description female German

Epigyne: Medianplatte breiter als lang, vorderer Rand deutlich ausgeprägt mit gepaarten, sklerotisierten Lippen. Färbung wie Männchen. Prosomalänge: 2.33 mm.

Description female English

Epigyne: median plate wider than long, anterior margin well marked with paired sclerotised lips. Colouration as in males. Prosoma length: 2.33 mm.

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Miscellaneous English

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English