Log value

Datasheet old values

2016-05-09 11:06:40

Description male / description German

Labium länger als breit. Sternum mit typischer Zeichnung. Cheliceren robust, mit 3-5 Zähnchen am Vorderrand, 5 am Hinterrand. Palpus: Tibialapophyse, Konduktor und apophysen charakteristisch.

Description male / description English

Labium wider than long. Sternum with typical design. Chelicerae robust, with 5 teeth on retromargin, 3-5 on promargin. Palp: typical tibial apophysis, conductor and other apophyses.

Body length male

Description female German

Labium länger als breit. Sternum mit typischer Zeichnung. Cheliceren robust, mit 3-5 Zähnchen am Vorderrand, 5 am Hinterrand. Vulva gleicht T. lyncea, aber Spermatheken mehr gebogen.

Prosomalänge: 3.0 mm, Prosomabreite: 2.1 mm.

Description female English

Labium wider than long. Sternum with typical design. Chelicerae robust, with 5 teeth on retromargin, 3-5 on promargin. Vulva resembling T. lyncea but spermathecae more curved.

prosoma length: 3.0 mm, prosoma width: 2.1 mm.

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Miscellaneous English

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English