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2021-06-19 19:40:49

Description male / description German

Epigyne mit relativ schmalem Mittelteil. Prosoma hell- bis gelbbraun, Augenbereich dunkler. Cheliceren dunkler als Grundfärbung, mit 3 Zähnen. Opisthosoma hell- bis gelbbraun.

Description male / description English

Prosoma light to yellow-brown, eye region darker. Chelicerae darker than overall colour, with 3 denticles. Opisthosoma light to yellow-brown.

Body length male

Description female English

Body length female

Miscellaneous German

Verbreitung reicht von sehr trockenen bis in moorige Gebiete, von der Tiefebene bis in die nivale Region, an Stränden und Dünen, in Wiesen, Halden, Heiden, lichten Wäldern und in Gebäuden, tagsüber unter Steinen, Moos und in Laubstreu

Miscellaneous English

Distribution ranges from very dry to swampy areas, from lowland up to nival region, on beaches and dunes, in meadows, screes, heathland, open forests and in buildings, under stones, in moss and leaf litter during the day

Phenology male (selected month)

Phenology female (selected month)

Phenology comment German

Phenology comment English

Distribution comment German

Distribution comment English


Frequency commment German

Frequency comment English