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Male prosoma with distinct cephalic lobe and lateral depressions; tibial apophysis bipartite; epigyne divided medially | |||||||
- | Male prosoma without lateral depressions; paracymbium distally with simple tip; tibial apophysis without spined process; epigyne as fig. Erigonella ignobilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) |
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Tibial apophysis with a distinctly spined and a slightly bent process; paracymbium bipartite distally; epigyne as fig. Erigonella hiemalis (Blackwall, 1841) |
- | Tibial apophysis with a cone-shaped projection and a hook-like bent process; epigyne/vulva as figs. Erigonella subelevata (L. Koch, 1869) |
1. Erigonella subelevata pyrenaea Denis, 1965 |