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1 |
Male pedipalp with large spoon-shaped conductor; epigyne is a large transverse oval groove | ||||||||||
- | Conductor of male pedipalp only little overtopping cymbium; epigyne different | ||||||||||
2 (1) |
Conductor slightly twisted around its longitudinal axis; border of epigynal groove distinct, anterior margin with small tip pointing toward posterior end; entrance ducts rectangularly bent Parasteatoda lunata (Clerck, 1757) |
- | Conductor not twisted around its longitudinal axis; border of epigynal groove indistinct at anterior margin | ||||||||||
3 (2) |
Entrance ducts forming a heart-shaped figure which is longer than wide; epigyne and male pedipalp as fig. Parasteatoda tepidariorum (C. L. Koch, 1841) |
- | Different | ||||||||||
- | Figure formed by entrance ducts approx. as long as wide; male pedipalp as fig. very similar to tepidariorum mostly a nit smaller and with distinct opisthosomal pattern Parasteatoda simulans (Thorell, 1875) |
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- | Pedipalp, conductor, vulva and habitus as fig. Parasteatoda tabulata (Levi, 1980) |
4 (1) |
Conductor of male pedipalp bluntly rounded distally; epigyne posteriorly bordered by a chitinous bulge Cryptachaea riparia (Blackwall, 1834) |
- | Different | ||||||||||
5 (4) |
Conductor of male pedipalp as fig.; epigynal groove as wide as long Ohlertidion ohlerti (Thorell, 1870) |
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- | Conductor transversely truncated distally; epigyne as fig. Cryptachaea veruculata (Urquhart, 1886) |