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Cribellum bipartite Brigittea latens (Fabricius, 1775) |
- | Cribellum not bipartite | ||||||||||
2 (1) |
Males | ||||||||||
- | Females (epigyne is better visible when hairs are removed) | ||||||||||
3 (2) |
Dorsal tibial apophysis thick and knee-shaped Dictyna major Menge, 1869 |
- | Dorsal tibial apophysis different or missing | ||||||||||
4 (3) |
Conductor spirally twisted, the tip is pointing toward tibia | ||||||||||
- | Conductor hook-shaped, the tip is not pointing toward tibia | ||||||||||
5 (4) |
Tibial apophysis much longer than wide. Legs with distinct annulations; chevrons on opisthosoma mostly missing Dictyna pusilla Thorell, 1856 |
- | Tibial apophysis ± as long as wide; legs with indistinct dark annulations Dictyna arundinacea (Linnaeus, 1758) |
6 (4) |
Tibial apophysis much longer than wide; conductor massive Dictyna uncinata Thorell, 1856 |
- | Tibial apophysis ± as long as wide; conductor sickle-shaped Brigittea civica (Lucas, 1848) |
7 (2) |
Epigyne distinctly bipartite due to longitudinal median bar | ||||||||||
- | Epigyne without longitudinal median bar. Copulatory opening far anteriorly of epigastric furrow Dictyna uncinata Thorell, 1856 |
8 (7) |
Posterior epigynal margin distinctly marked between median bar and lateral pockets | ||||||||||
- | Only posterior epigynal margin distinctly marked | ||||||||||
9 (8) |
Posterior epigynal margin undulated Dictyna major Menge, 1869 |
- | Posterior epigynal margin not undulated, anterior margin distinctly marked Brigittea civica (Lucas, 1848) |
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10 (8) |
Posterior margin of epigyne distinctly marked; posterior margin of entrance ducts concave; legs with indistinct dark annulations; body length: 2.5-4.0 mm Dictyna arundinacea (Linnaeus, 1758) |
- | Posterior margin of epigyne only weakly marked; posterior margin of copulatory ducts convex; legs with distinct annulations; chevrons on opisthosoma mostly missing; body length: 1.8-2.5 mm Dictyna pusilla Thorell, 1856 |
1. Dictyna alaskae Chamberlin & Ivie, 1947 |
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2. Dictyna armata Thorell, 1875 | |||||
3. Dictyna cyrenaica Caporiacco, 1933 |
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4. Dictyna dunini Danilov, 2000 |
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5. Dictyna foliacea (Hentz, 1850) | |||||
6. Dictyna hamifera Thorell, 1872 | |||||
7. Dictyna kosiorowiczi Simon, 1873 | |||||
8. Dictyna laeviceps Simon, 1911 |
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9. Dictyna ottoi Marusik & Koponen, 2017 | |||||
10. Dictyna palmgreni Marusik & Fritzén, 2011 | |||||
11. Dictyna sinuata Esyunin & Sozontov, 2016 | |||||
12. Dictyna szaboi Chyzer, 1891 | |||||
13. Dictyna tarda Schmidt, 1971 |
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14. Dictyna tyshchenkoi Marusik, 1988 |